Windows 10 Wallpaper in a Picture Frame

Windows ten includes a dainty selection of default wallpapers, just it's easy to lose runway of them if you decide to employ custom wallpaper. If you'd like to use the default images again, here's how to find and apply them.

The Case of the Hidden Wallpapers

Here'southward the problem: in new installations of Windows, the wallpaper selection in Settings > Personalization > Background points to the default wallpaper files. At that signal, you can hands change betwixt them by using the Browse feature.

But, if you determine to utilize a serial of your own wallpapers stored in a custom location and you come dorsum later to change the wallpaper, the defaults volition have been pushed out of the five nigh recent images shown every bit thumbnails in Settings. Even worse, Windows will not remember where the default wallpaper files were stored when you click "Scan." Y'all'll need to find them once again.

How to Locate and Use Windows x's Default Wallpapers

Windows x'south default desktop wallpapers are stored in C:\Windows\Web. This folder usually contains subfolders named after different wallpaper themes (such as "Flowers" or "Windows") or resolutions ("4K").

If yous've lost rails of this folder in Windows Settings, here's how to get it back. First, open Windows Settings and navigate to Personalization > Background. Just below the department that says "Choose Your Pic," click on the "Scan" button.

Click Browse to choose a desktop wallpaper in Windows 10

An open dialog will pop upward. Type C:\Windows\Spider web into the accost bar at the top and hit enter. You tin can besides just browse to this folder from the C: drive.

Browsing the Windows 10 default wallpaper directory

The folder shown in the open up dialog volition alter. Yous can then navigate through the subfolders to option the image you lot'd like to use every bit your desktop background. When you're done, select the file and click "Choose Flick."

If yous'd like, you tin as well open File Explorer and navigate to C:\Windows\Web, then re-create the default epitome files to a ameliorate location—such as the Pictures folder in your User account. You tin then find the wallpapers more hands in the hereafter.

Looking for the original wallpaper that came with Windows x instead of the night-light i? You'll have to download it from the spider web instead.

RELATED: How to Get Windows 10'southward Sometime Default Desktop Background Dorsum

More Windows ten Wallpaper Tricks

If you're a fan of beautiful wallpaper like united states of america, you lot tin can search for cool wallpapers online, employ Bing'south Daily Photos as wallpaper, or even change your wallpaper based on the fourth dimension of day. And if yous run a multi-monitor setup, you can cull a different wallpaper for each monitor. Have fun!

RELATED: How to Open File Explorer with a Keyboard Shortcut on Windows 10

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